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                            Turbo Pascal Statements 

     A statement, in Turbo Pascal, describes an algorithmic action that
     can be executed.  Statements may be prefixed with Labels, which,
     can be referenced by Goto statements.  Statements take the form:

            |            .    |                         .
            +-. Label : -+    |-. simple statement -----|
                              |                         |
                              +-. structured statement -+

 Simple Statements: 

   Assignment Statements      Assign a value to a variable
   Procedure Statements       Executes a corresponding procedure
   Goto Statements            Transfer control to a statement prefixed by
                              the Label referenced in the Goto statement

 Structured Statements 

   Compound Statements        Statements grouped by Begin and End to
                              be executed in the order they were written
   Conditional Statements     Statement that selects for a single execution,
                              or no execution, of its component statements
   Repetitive Statements      Specifies a statement, or set of statements
                              to be executed repeatedly
   With Statement             Shorthand for field referencing

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